My Journey Into the Traditional Liturgy

It was gentle and gradual. I grew up in a typical suburban American parish. In high school two things happened: I got involved in a charismatic prayer group, which re-animated my faith, and, thanks to a philosophy course, I started reading Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas. I had, at the time, a vague longing for a form of prayer that would correspond to the profound depths opened up in these authors.

Without knowing it, I was searching for the traditional worship of the Church, which was born of the ancient Fathers, developed by the medievals, and faithfully handed down from Trent onwards. I was fortunate to attend a college—Thomas Aquinas College in California—where the Ordinary Form of the Mass was celebrated in Latin and with Gregorian chant. This pleased me very much, as it seemed like what I had been looking for.

But then, towards the end of my four years there, I had several opportunities to assist at traditional Latin Masses in a small chapel. The intensity of silence, the palpable holiness, the richness of the prayers, the beauty of the chanting... it all gripped me powerfully.

When I went on to graduate school at the Catholic University of America, I made a priority of finding out where this glorious Mass was celebrated in Washington, D.C., and ended up at Old St. Mary’s, where I experienced for the first time a High Mass with full ceremonial. In a flood of gratitude I knew I had finally “come home” as a Catholic: this was the point of arrival, what I had been searching for. That was over 20 years ago, and I have never wavered in this conviction. I fell in love and I am still in love!

On this page you will find information on my books on the sacred liturgy in English and other languages, links to selected articles, audio/video, and free resources—all intended to promote knowledge and love of the inexhaustible wealth of the Church’s traditional liturgy.


The Four Qualities of the Liturgy

Latin Mass

Discover the Mass of the Ages

I was blessed to advise this wonderful documentary project from the very onset as well as to appear in all three episodes. Please join the millions who have watched these films and share with your family, friends, and - most especially - your priest!