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Dr. Kwasniewski has traveled extensively in the United States, Europe, and Australia speaking to audiences about the priceless treasure of Catholic Tradition and the evils of its postconciliar abandonment. He is sought after as a dynamic and engaging lecturer on a variety of subjects, especially the sacred liturgy, sacred music, the history of liturgical reform, and the flourishing of the venerable Roman Rite in recent decades. On whatever topics he tackles, Kwasniewski brings ancient, patristic, and scholastic wisdom into dialogue with modern thought and experience, resulting in a compelling apologia for the permanent relevance of Catholic Tradition here and now.

If you would like to purchase a signed copy of any of Dr. Kwasniewski's books, please send him a note and he will make arrangements with you for the purchase and shipping.


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I enjoy traveling, speaking, and meeting people wherever Divine Providence leads me. I deliver a message that is clear, well-reasoned, hard-hitting, free of “political (or ecclesiastical) correctness,” and motivated above all by love for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, a love that moves me to uphold the inseparable trio of tradition, reverence, and beauty. If you would like to inquire about setting up an event (which can have multiple components, e.g., a public lecture, a music workshop, a lunch or dinner with clergy or benefactors), please contact me by email. I will get back to you promptly.


What I can offer your group:

  • lectures with Q&A

  • hands-on workshops in music, especially chant and polyphony

  • preparing a choir/schola for singing at a High Mass, and leading it for that Mass

  • seminars centered on classic theological or magisterial texts

  • meetings with youth groups, clergy, seminarians, religious, benefactors, etc.

  • book signings


My needs and requests:

  • A formal invitation from your group

  • Reimbursement for the cost of travel, room, and board (I am happy to stay with families or at rectories)

  • A stipend which supports the research and writing put into each event, and supports my family as well


May the Lord give us His grace in this age to fight the good fight and keep the Faith, and may He lead us all to eternal life. God bless you!

Public Speaking
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